Israel attacks Gaza

The activists returned to a hero's welcome early Thursday with Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc saying they faced "barbarism and oppression" but returned with "pride." Hundreds of relatives and supporters burst into applause outside the airport, chanting "God is Great!"
Three air ambulance planes, carrying several wounded activists, have landed in Ankara earlier.
Israel has come under harsh international condemnation after its commandos stormed a six-ship aid flotilla Monday in international waters, setting off clashes that killed nine activists and wounded dozens.
William Hague, the foreign secretary, said he was "seriously concerned" at the seizure of British nationals in international waters.
He added that nine had still not been seen by consular staff, and complained of the difficulty in gaining access to the other 28.
"We are urgently pressing the Israeli government to resolve this situation within hours," Mr Hague said. "There is real, understandable and justified anger at the events which have unfolded.
"In some cases consular staff have been having to go to the prison at Beersheva, hammer on doors and ask people if they are British. It has been a chaotic situation, it is completely unsatisfactory."
Earlier in the day the prime minister, David Cameron, said the attack was "completely unacceptable".
Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli prime minister, last night rejected criticism of the raid, saying the flotilla was “directed by terrorists”.
In a statement broadcast from his office, Mr Netanyahu said the blockade was needed to prevent missile attacks against Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. “If the blockade had been broken, it would have been followed by dozens, hundreds of boats. Each boat could carry dozens of missiles.”
He said the Israeli takeover of five of the boats went relatively calmly, but on the Mavi Marmara “we saw an action directed by terrorists affiliated with Hamas. This was not the Love Boat.”
“There was an attempt to lynch Israeli soldiers,” he said. “Are these peace lovers, pacifists? These are supporters of terrorism, extremists.”

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